
The latest development from Micropace, is the StimCor™ cardiac stimulator package, a new configuration of the EPS320 Cardiac Stimulator. This configuration offers a tiny product footprint and integrated wiring to drive the trend of sleek tidy workspaces in EP laboratories provided by ‘cockpit’ style laboratory layouts. The Stimulator interface can be reduced to just a touch screen and a small numeric keypad, with the computer and all peripherals stowed away in an integrated cabinet up to 10 meters away.

StimCor™ Laboratory

New video outputs have also been added for integration of a slave display into ‘cockpit’ architectures, including large plasma displays either in the control room or at the bedside.

The StimCor™ uses the latest stimulator software version 3.21, and offers the same popular stimulation specifications of the EPS320BT product.